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How We Support Charities

A bunch of young children smiling

Uniting To Amplify Donor Impact On Singapore's Community

At the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), we value charities for the role that they play in our community. As a cause-neutral philanthropic advisor and grantmaker, our mission is to link donors with well-governed charities that champion the causes closest to their hearts, to offer the necessary funding for beneficiaries to thrive. If you have an innovative idea or programme, do share it with us so that it can receive the support it deserves. 

$ 0 Million
In Grants Disbursed This Year*
Organisations and Individuals Supported This Year*
0 +
Programmes We Curated
Outcome-centred Causes Identified
*Refers to CFS’s Financial Year ended March 2024

Our Rigorous Charity Programmes Evaluation Process

At CFS, we conduct a thorough evaluation process for every programme that we consider for funding. Our screening criteria are designed to ensure that each programme effectively addresses a critical need in the community and has a robust implementation plan. We look at the demographic being served, evaluate past performance, and assess projected costs. This approach, allows us to select programmes that align with the goals and risk tolerance of our donors, providing them with impactful funding opportunities.

Why We Do This

Transparency is crucial in earning our donors’ trust and provide the assurance that the programmes will achieve their intended goals and benefit the community. We view ourselves as an enabler that connects resources with programmes to create a positive and lasting impact. 

What We Typically Look At

a group of young individuals discussing

Charitable Areas We Support

While we offer advice across all causes*, CFS has identified five focal areas for grantmaking over the next few years. These areas were selected based on current and projected donor preferences, present and future community needs, existing and possible gaps, and the potential for philanthropy to make a significant impact.  

*We support all causes except causes that advance or denounce politics and/or religion.

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Apply For A Grant

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Who We Are

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List Of Grantees

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How We Assist Donors

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What We Do

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Centre for Applied Philanthropy

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Our Team

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Community Impact Funds

Give with others for greater community impact.


Drive large-scale impact through collaboration.

Frequently Asked Questions

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