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A Stronger Singapore Tomorrow
The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) is the nation’s oldest and leading community foundation. Bringing together donors, charities, and advisors, we make charitable giving more impactful. Your gifts can uplift our community and create a legacy for future generations.

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Our 15th Anniversary Annual Report 2024 is now available
Read about our milestones over the years and how we work with donors to make a lasting impact on our communities.
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Advise Donors On Philanthropy
Advise Donors On Philanthropy
We offer personalised advice and community insights so that donors can give strategically to the causes they care about through donor-advised funds.

Collaborate With Charities
Collaborate With Charities
We identify meaningful programmes that support diverse communities and the environment to achieve sustainable change.

Manage Charitable Funds And Disburse Grants
Manage Charitable Funds And Disburse Grants
We uphold transparency, accountability and governance, so donors can be assured their gift creates a lasting benefit for the community.
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在新加坡社区基金会(CFS),我们与来自各行各业的捐赠者合作。这些慈善人士在生活中也乐善好施,希望利用自身资源推动有意义的变革。他们有的是土生土长的新加坡人,有的则是把新加坡当成了自己的家园,渴望回馈这个真诚接纳他们的爱心社会。 天府会对新加坡的承诺 新加坡天府会就是一个显著例子。该组织成立于2000年,是新加坡首个新移民协会,通过向贫困生提供奖学金和助学金来大力支持当地社区。它还鼓励新移民积极融入新加坡的多元文化社会。 为庆祝其成立25周年,天府会与新加坡社区基金会合作成立了天府社区基金。在新加坡费尔蒙酒店举行的协会庆祝晚宴上,胡军辉会长向新加坡社区基金会首席执行官罗佩仪女士(Catherine Loh)递上一张面值达20万新元的支票,标志着双方承诺正式启动该基金。 基金会的使命是提高社会流动性,为新加坡未得到充分服务的社区创造机遇。 胡军辉会长说:“成立天府社区基金是我们对这个真诚接纳我们的社会的回馈。在新加坡社区基金会的专业指导下,我们将致力于帮扶就困,构建一个更包容、更富爱心的新加坡”。 促进融合与和谐 在新加坡这样一个多元化的社会里,促进融合与和谐对于构建一个团结、包容的社会至关重要。 晚宴贵宾新加坡副总理王瑞杰(Heng Swee Keat)强调了这一点的重要性,他说:“新移民的加入、融合,是个漫长的过程,要经历碰撞、理解和包容。虽然时代背景和社会环境截然不同,但这个过程,也是先辈经历过的。我呼吁所有新加坡人,为新加坡的和谐稳定,繁荣发展一起努力。”(《联合早报》) 天府会前会长杜志强也做出了同样的承诺,他在此前接受《联合早报》采访时说:“新加坡是我们的新家园。天府会一直都紧紧围绕着新移民融入本地多元种族、多元文化而努力,把我们新移民在语言、文化和思维等方面的惯性逐渐褪去,成为名副其实的本地社团之一。” 展望未来:变革是我们的共同愿景 我们非常高兴地欢迎新加坡天府会的捐赠者加入新加坡社区基金会这个大家庭,并期待着大家携手并进,为所有人创造美好机遇。

Tian Fu Association (Singapore) Launches Tianfu Foundation (Singapore) in Collaboration with Community Foundation of Singapore
Tian Fu Association (Singapore) Launches Tianfu Foundation (Singapore) in Collaboration with Community Foundation of Singapore
At CFS, we work with donors from all walks of life who have done well...

Lighting the Way Together: CFS Celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival with the Association for Persons with Special Needs
Lighting the Way Together: CFS Celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival with the Association for Persons with Special Needs
The Mid-Autumn Festival held special significance for the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) team this...
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