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LIFT (Learning Initiatives for Employment) Community Impact Fund – Training and increasing employability for marginalised groups

The Learning Initiatives for Employment (LIFT) Community Impact Fund (CIF) from the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) provides social enterprise funding to enable disadvantaged groups to obtain training in order to be more employable. The funding provided has allowed two social enterprises, the Bettr Barista Coffee Academy and Dignity Kitchen develop a more standardised training programme for their students, as well as expand the number of training places available to ai
picture of two people doing cashier

LIFT (Learning Initiatives for Employment) Community Impact Fund – Turning lives around, one step at a time

Nothing in life prepares a youth for a negative doctor’s report.Four years ago, in his second year of polytechnic, Jerry Tan experienced a stroke caused by a brain aneurysm that paralysed the left side of his body. He had to undergo three brain surgeries as well as physical therapy, staying in the hospital for five to six months. Read Next Jerry recounted his experience, “The doctor commented that he was lucky to be alive and even survive without becoming
a portrait of a man with a wooden background

Learning Initiatives for Employment (LIFT): Transforming Lives for the better

At just 18 years old, Jeevan never imagined that he would find himself resigned to his fate in life.“Three years ago, I dropped out of school, did some things, and ended up on probation. At that point in time, I thought that this would be the end for me – this is how it’s going to be for the rest of my life,” recalls the young man. Read Next Despite repeated rebuffs from many employers, things took a turn for the better after Jeevan was accepted into
Lady in blue dress standing in front of vibrant yellow backdrop.

Equipping the marginalised to create a future for themselves

Photo credit: Bettr GroupWhen Zaza’s only daughter was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, Zaza felt lost and powerless to decide the fate of her child. Coupled with the ongoing process of a divorce, her situation grew more desperate, plunging her into depression and hopelessness. She had a diploma in pre-school education, and had to reject offers to further her studies due to her circumstances. It was desperation that kept the single mother going; it was all she could d
Standing man in blue shirt with wooden wall backdrop.

Including the Excluded: Everyone Plays a Part

Through working and volunteering in the non-profit sector, I often meet people living in dire circumstances. I vividly remember one incident while distributing breakfast to families living in public rental units. Speaking in simple English, the mother thanked us profusely for the warm porridge and noodles – generously contributed by a donor – so the money saved could go towards their monthly transport. Giving goes a long way. But recognising and acknowledging the realities of those in ne
Elderly woman in wheelchair using computer to stay connected.

TODAY: New S$528,000 fund to help disadvantaged people stay employed

By Ng Jun Sen SINGAPORE — When stereotypes, stigmas and prejudices prevent people with disabilities or mental health problems from finding jobs, they are often financially or socially disadvantaged for life. To overcome these barriers, a new fund was launched on Thursday (May 23) to address the problem of social exclusion of disadvantaged groups here, bringing employment and vocational training support to where it is needed most. Read Next The Learning Initiatives for Employment — C
People in masks and aprons preparing food in a restaurant.

Learning Initiatives for Employment (LIFT) Community Impact Fund – Training and placing marginalised individuals into stable jobs

The Learning Initiatives for Employment (LIFT) Community Impact Fund (CIF) was launched in 2019 by The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), which provides vocational training and socio-emotional support for marginalised individuals in Singapore before placing them into jobs.CIFs are flagship programmes established by CFS in partnership with charities to address unmet needs or under-supported social issues in Singapore. It takes a ground-up approach to understand the needs o
A woman expertly prepares coffee in a bustling coffee shop, showcasing her barista skills amidst the aromatic ambiance.

Media release: CFS launches community impact fund to raise marginalised groups’ participation in the workforce

Partners with social enterprises and charities to concurrently provide WSQ*-certified vocational training and social support. Targets for 60% of participants to attain sustained employment**. Singapore, May 23, 2019 – The Community Foundation of Singapore (“CFS”) has launched a new community impact fund to address social exclusion from the country’s workforce. Called the LIFT – short for Learning Initiatives for Employment – Community Impac
A professional man in a suit holds a newspaper displaying the Business Times, providing current business news.

The Business Times: New fund to help Singapore’s marginalised groups land jobs

By Rachel MuiThe Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), which is a non-profit organisation, on Thursday said it has launched a new fund to raise the participation of marginalised groups in Singapore’s workforce.Among other things, the Lift (Learning Initiatives for Employment) Community Impact Fund will support programmes that provide vocational training for marginalised individuals, and place them in jobs in the open market, CFS said. Read Next These pro
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