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Opening Doors: Making Education Accessible to Vulnerable Children and Youth

Can a child truly focus on education if their family struggles to afford basic needs like food and shelter? Research has shown that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty, but for children from lower-income families, daily survival often takes priority. This can hold them back and widen opportunity gaps. At CFS, we seek to address these challenges so every child gets the support they need to succeed.Our donors recently had the chance to learn more from two charities who are working to bridge this gap. Working in close collaboration with government ministries, schools, and communities, they deliver accessible education and renewed hope for children and youth through mentorship, befriending, and activities.



‘Tis the Season to Give: Bring Cheer to Those in Need This Year-End

As cool, rainy nights set in and bright, sparkling decorations line the streets, it’s clear that the season of giving has arrived in sunny Singapore. Families and friends gather to celebrate the spirit of joy, love, and gratitude, exchanging gifts and enjoying moments together.However, this season can be a challenging time for some, who may feel a deeper sense of isolation amidst the celebrations. Financial pressures can weigh heavier on those struggling to get by. 

Ensuring A Brighter Future for Vulnerable Families and Children

Imagine being released from prison after a decade, returning home to children who barely know you. How do you begin to rebuild your life and relationships with your family? Imagine being a child who does not have good relationships at home or in school, having little trust and confidence in the people around you. How do you find a sense of belonging and begin to develop your self-identity?

Giving back to society without fuss, the Singaporean way

When people in Singapore hear the word “philanthropy”, I suspect the first picture that crosses their mind is a well-dressed person holding up a large mock cheque at a grand ceremony. Accompanying that mental picture is the thought that philanthropy is too lofty, and unattainable for them. This is understandable, given how the media tends to spotlight the big – and newsworthy – gifts to charities, and how beneficiaries want to recognise such generosity.But the reality, certainly in the time that I have been involved at the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), focused on growing philanthropy, is far removed from this. The donors that the team and I have met over the years have been diverse. In many ways, this is a microcosm of Singaporean society.

Building a Legacy: Michael Binger’s Philanthropic Journey in Singapore

Michael Binger relocated to Singapore in 2007 in search of fresh professional opportunities and a change of scenery. Now, sixteen years on, the ex-Vice President of South APAC at Under Armour has not only built a thriving business but also embarked on a meaningful journey of philanthropy, to make a lasting impact in the local community.Finding a Home in Singapore

Improving Employability: Creating Opportunities for All

In Singapore’s vibrant economy, employment is a key driver of social mobility and well-being. However, some groups face unique challenges in securing and maintaining meaningful work. At the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), we recognise the importance of creating pathways to employment for all members of our community. Through strategic partnerships and innovative programmes, CFS is working to enhance employability and open doors of opportunity for those who need it most.We invited donors to Bettr Group’s new space to learn more about three impactful initiatives offered by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), Bettr Group, and Assumption Pathway School (APS). These initiatives are making a positive impact on the lives of Singapore citizens and residents by promoting skills development, workplace inclusion, and supportive environments.

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