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a homeless person sitting on the ground

Homeless during the pandemic: how our Sayang Sayang Fund responded with agility

When Singapore locked down during the pandemic, homelessness became a visible, urgent issue. Cross-border commuters and people that had lost their housing due to irregular income or family conflict joined the rough sleepers who scrape by on the margins of our society.But with any crisis, there is an opportunity to make things better. In this instance, the authorities and social service organisations moved quickly, joining forces to provide temporary shelters. “The rapid expan
Francis Goh in a suit and tie

Make An Impact Beyond Your Lifetime

This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here. As a legal advisor on wills and trusts, I enjoy helping my clients make an impact beyond their lifetime. With legacy giving, one plans to make a gift to benefit future generations. It’s never too early to start planning, and it’s never too early to start giving. Francis Goh encourages his clients to think of their Last Will and
Angie Han smiling at the camera

Structure Your Giving To Create A Greater Impact

This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here. As part of the wealth structuring process, I often engage my clients in conversations around the meaning and purpose of one’s wealth. In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an uptick in interest in giving, and in particular, legacy giving, a structured approach towards creating a positive change. Angie Han believes this
Portrait of Freaderic Tan Kelvin Choo

Helping Clients Grow Their Giving

This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here. People like to give and I think people like to be effective as well [and] see the direct result, the impact of their giving. Freaderic Tan Legacy giving enables you to make a difference beyond your lifetime. In support of CFS’ campaign for “A Greater Gift”, IPG Howden has partnered CFS to inspire individuals to incl
Allen Lim holding a microphone

Following His Calling In Planned Giving

This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here. As a trainer at the Insurance and Financial Practitioners Association of Singapore (IFPAS), I found my calling in the field of estate planning and planned giving. Giving is a good intention; planning is a wise action; and planned giving ensures you can leave a legacy and take care of your loved ones. Do you need to wait until you ar
Valerie Wu smiling at the camera

Sparking Powerful Conversations Around Giving

This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here. As a partner at Pinsent Masons, I advise families and individuals. Legal innovations, growing wealth, and changing norms have allowed asset and succession planning to evolve in very interesting ways. I think one of the most impactful ways to do so is to leave a legacy gift to your favourite cause. Start a conversation, because askin
a woman stressed with her work

Collaborative Giving to build Community Mental Health Champions

The Community Mental Health Champions Initiative, a collaborative project by the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) and Empact and supported by our corporate partner. It aims to recruit, train and retain 1,000 community mental health champions. Through this initiative, we will build a pool of mental health champions. These champions will actively support the sandwiched generation with a listening ear and signposting to professional services when needed – helping more peo
a group of kids in orange tees

Over $9 million raised for CFS’s Sayang Sayang Fund benefitting over 130,000 beneficiaries

The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) launched the Sayang Sayang Fund (SSF) in Feb 2020 as an emergency response fund, aimed to benefit Singapore’s underserved communities impacted by COVID-19.As a result of the keen generosity from Singapore’s general public, over $9 million had been raised, enabling the SSF to expand its scope to support nine initiatives to ensure that the most vulnerable in Singapore’s communities did not fall through the cracks. This was made po
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