护联中心新设135万元基金 打造更“好玩”乐龄护理
如何鼓励年长者更积极地投入社交,活出精彩的老年生活?护联中心推出新的135万元基金“FUN! Fund”,鼓励业者把“好玩”融入乐龄护理计划。配合11月1日的社区护理日,护联中心星期五(11月4日)举办社区护理领导系列,并在活动宣布推出新基金
♡ Support Lower-Income Families! ♡ Donate to Collective for a Stronger Society and get 1-for-1 dollar matching.
♡ Support Lower-Income Families! ♡ Donate to Collective for a Stronger Society and get 1-for-1 dollar matching.
如何鼓励年长者更积极地投入社交,活出精彩的老年生活?护联中心推出新的135万元基金“FUN! Fund”,鼓励业者把“好玩”融入乐龄护理计划。配合11月1日的社区护理日,护联中心星期五(11月4日)举办社区护理领导系列,并在活动宣布推出新基金
In a study of household budgets by Dr Ng Kok Hoe (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy), A/P Teo Youyenn (Nanyang Technological University), Dr Neo Yu Wei (National University of Singapore), Dr Ad Maulod (Duke-NUS), Dr Stephanie Chok and Wong Yee Lok (LKYSPP), a basic standard of living means “…more than just, housing, food, and clothing. It is about having opportunities to education, employment, and work-life balance, as well as access to healthcare. It enables a sense of belonging, respect, security, and independence. It also includes choices to participate in social activities, and the freedom to engage in one’s cultural and religious practices.”To date, a total of two household budget studies were conducted using the Minimum Income Standards (MIS) as a research method for establishing the incomes needed for a basic standard of living in Singapore. In 2019 the study[1] targeted seniors and in 2021 the study[2] extended this work to the needs of households. The results helped to establish a living wage level, a wage that allows people to afford a decent standard of living and embodies the values and principles that the public identifies with across a range of domains.
When Singapore locked down during the pandemic, homelessness became a visible, urgent issue. Cross-border commuters and people that had lost their housing due to irregular income or family conflict joined the rough sleepers who scrape by on the margins of our society.But with any crisis, there is an opportunity to make things better. In this instance, the authorities and social service organisations moved quickly, joining forces to provide temporary shelters. “The rapid expansion of overnight shelter capacity – from around 60 places at the start of 2020 to a peak of 920 during the circuit breaker – was a considerable feat and evidence of what can be achieved with bureaucratic will and an active civil society,” notes a new study called Seeking shelter: Homeless during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore.
This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here.Francis Goh encourages his clients to think of their Last Will and Testament as their love letter to the ones that they are leaving behind. “When a person realises that he or she is a beneficiary of your giving, it is that moment when that person whom you have chosen to bless feels the depth of your love and care,” says Francis, “If you choose to leave a gift to a charitable cause, it is also an expression of your concern for society.”
This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here.Angie Han believes this unprecedented year is sowing the seeds for greater giving in Singapore. “Many of us are witnessing the impact on vulnerable communities,” remarks Angie, ” As a result, in addition to wanting to give back to the community, many also wish to move beyond one-off, ad-hoc responses to a more sustainable and impactful giving.”
This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here.Legacy giving enables you to make a difference beyond your lifetime. In support of CFS’ campaign for “A Greater Gift”, IPG Howden has partnered CFS to inspire individuals to include gifts to charities in their wealth planning.
This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here.Do you need to wait until you are wealthy to start giving? For Allen Lim, the answer is an emphatic no, but with one distinct caveat. “It’s very important that giving takes into account your and your family’s financial security,” insists Allen, “That’s why planning is crucial, because with the right strategy, you can do both.”
This article first appeared on CFS’s Legacy Giving Website. To find out more about Legacy Giving, please click here.Start a conversation, because asking the right questions can help shape your clients’ giving intentions. “Conversations are powerful because they drive thinking around why, who and when your client would like to give,” shares Valerie Wu.
The Community Mental Health Champions Initiative, a collaborative project by the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) and Empact and supported by our corporate partner. It aims to recruit, train and retain 1,000 community mental health champions. Through this initiative, we will build a pool of mental health champions. These champions will actively support the sandwiched generation with a listening ear and signposting to professional services when needed – helping more people prevent or access support for mental health issues.The Community Mental Health Champions Initiative is carried out in two phases – Design Phase and Implementation Phase. During the design phase, eleven organisations will come together for a series of workshops to share their knowledge and build a collaborative understanding on issues regarding mental health and how to equip these champions. These eleven organisations are Be Kind SG, Bettr Lives, Caregivers Alliance, Community of Peer Support Specialists, Growthbeans, Loving Heart, O’Joy, Psychological Initiative, SG Assist, Singapore Anglican Community Services, Singapore University of Social Sciences.
The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) launched the Sayang Sayang Fund (SSF) in Feb 2020 as an emergency response fund, aimed to benefit Singapore’s underserved communities impacted by COVID-19.As a result of the keen generosity from Singapore’s general public, over $9 million had been raised, enabling the SSF to expand its scope to support nine initiatives to ensure that the most vulnerable in Singapore’s communities did not fall through the cracks. This was made possible through CFS’s highly proficient understanding of grantmaking and close collaboration with our valued community partners. This was swiftly translated into impact supporting 298 grantee organisations and 136,000 beneficiaries.
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