Stories Of Impact
A Donor’s Journey: Learn how we are partnering The Maanas Cares Foundation to Leave a Legacy of Positive Change
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Stories Of Impact

Stories Of Impact

A Donor’s Journey: Learn how we are partnering The Maanas Cares Foundation to Leave a Legacy of Positive Change

Picture of John Doe
John Doe

Philanthropy is more than just a gesture of goodwill; it’s a journey towards making a lasting impact on society. For the founders of the Maanas Cares Foundation, Manoj, Sreevidhya and their children, Aditya and Nitya, this journey began with a vision of creating a legacy of compassion and support for those in need. Partnering with the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), they have transformed their philanthropic aspirations into tangible action, supporting a range of causes that are close to their hearts.

Founders of the Maanas Cares Foundation, Manoj and Sreevidhya, with their children, Aditya and Nitya

Philanthropy is more than just a gesture of goodwill; it’s a journey towards making a lasting impact on society. For the founders of the Maanas Cares Foundation, Manoj, Sreevidhya and their children, Aditya and Nitya, this journey began with a vision of creating a legacy of compassion and support for those in need. Partnering with the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), they have transformed their philanthropic aspirations into tangible action, supporting a range of causes that are close to their hearts.


For over two decades, the founders of the Maanas Cares Foundation have given to charitable causes. A few years ago, they decided to deepen their impact, to make a more significant and enduring contribution that would extend beyond their lifetimes. As working professionals at the peak of their careers, they found it challenging to dedicate the necessary time to support these activities. This led them to seek out an organisation with a proven track record to handle the administrative aspects of their philanthropic efforts. That’s when they discovered CFS.


“We were struck by how well CFS’s mission and ideals matched our own goals for philanthropy,” they said. “This alignment inspired us to explore possibilities with CFS, leading to the creation of the Maanas Cares Foundation. This partnership has allowed us to channel our passion and resources towards causes that are close to our hearts, ensuring that our contributions make a tangible difference to the lives of others.”

Passion-Driven Philanthropy

The Maanas Cares Foundation focuses on three main causes: supporting seniors, caregiver support, and education. Each of these areas holds personal significance for the founders.

In a rapidly ageing society like Singapore, the well-being of seniors is a growing concern. “We have seen how some elders, without immediate family support, find solace in old age homes,” they explained. “This has fuelled our determination to support the well-being of seniors and caregivers, addressing both health issues and social isolation.”

Education, another key focus, is deeply rooted in their family values. Having several educators in the family, they have directly experienced the profound impact of education. “Access to quality education can empower individuals to overcome adversity, break the cycle of poverty, and build brighter futures,” they said. “We want to provide support to the less privileged, enabling them to explore the world beyond their circumstances.”

CFS has played a pivotal role in enabling the Maanas Cares Foundation to pursue these passions. With the guidance of a dedicated philanthropy advisor, the donors have gained a comprehensive understanding of Singapore’s charitable landscape. This knowledge has informed their decisions, allowing them to strategically allocate resources to areas where there is the greatest need.

Leading & Empowering the Next Generation

Determined to leave a legacy of compassion and empathy, and to educate the future generation about charity, the founders have also brought their children on this journey.

They also recently established a named, endowed bursary at Republic Polytechnic, marking a significant step in their legacy giving. “We firmly believe in the transformative power of education,” they said. “By supporting students at Republic Polytechnic, we aim to empower individuals who may otherwise lack the resources to pursue higher education.”

The endowed bursary aims to break down financial barriers, enabling deserving students to pursue their academic and career aspirations without the burden of financial constraints. “We envision a future where talented individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal access to educational opportunities,” they said. “We hope our legacy gift will inspire others to join similarly in supporting education and creating positive change.”

Strategic Giving for Lasting Impact

One of the significant advantages of partnering with CFS is the flexibility and efficiency of the Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) structure. This structure allows the Maanas Cares Foundation to fund their foundation when it is most convenient, such as during times of bonuses or capital gains. CFS handles all the administration, providing a seamless and efficient process.

Reflecting on their journey with CFS, the founders highlighted several key takeaways:

  1. Ease and Speed of Setup: “The process of setting up and running our foundation with CFS was remarkably simple and swift. Even during the pandemic, everything was managed virtually and smoothly.”
  2. Informed Decision-Making: “CFS provided us with a menu of choices – causes that needed support. They offered detailed information on each cause, helping us make informed decisions quickly.”
  3. Impact Monitoring: “CFS provides a ‘report card’ at the end of the year, detailing how our contributions were used, and the outcomes achieved. This transparency allows us to evaluate the impact of our giving and plan future contributions more effectively.”

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Philanthropists

To those considering starting their philanthropic journey, the founders of the Maanas Cares Foundation offer the following advice:

  1. Start Small but Start Now: “Don’t wait until retirement to begin your philanthropic journey. The best time to start is during the peak of your career when you are earning the most.”
  2. Reflect on Your Passions and Values: “Identify the causes that resonate with you and align your contributions accordingly. This will make your giving more meaningful and impactful.”
  3. Choose a Reputable Partner: “Partnering with an organization like CFS can simplify the process and ensure your contributions are managed effectively. Their expertise and support can help you make a lasting impact.”

Embarking on a philanthropic journey with the Community Foundation of Singapore has enabled the founders of the Maanas Cares Foundation to create a legacy of compassion and support. Their story is a testament to the power of strategic giving and the profound impact it can have on society. By sharing their journey, they hope to inspire others to join them in making a difference, creating a brighter and more equitable future for all.

Get in touch to speak to us about how you can tap on CFS’s expertise for your giving journey.



Picture of admin bluecube
admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Stories Of Impact

IFPAS Renews Partnership with CFS, Commits $200,000 to IFPAS Love Fund

Picture of John Doe
John Doe

In celebration of their 55th Anniversary, the Insurance and Financial Practitioners Association of Singapore (IFPAS) extended their commitment to the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) by pledging an additional $200,000 over the next five years to their donor-advised fund (DAF), named the ‘IFPAS Love Fund’.

In celebration of their 55th Anniversary, the Insurance and Financial Practitioners Association of Singapore (IFPAS) extended their commitment to the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) by pledging an additional $200,000 over the next five years to their donor-advised fund (DAF), named the ‘IFPAS Love Fund’.

At the handshake ceremony between CFS and IFPAS, IFPAS President, Mr Ng Eng Beow, expressed his gratitude and vision for the partnership. He said, “Insurance is rooted in love. Love motivates us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The IFPAS Love Fund was established seven years ago to channel our love to the wider community, and CFS has been our trusted partner in reaching out to those who need our help and support. We appreciate this collaboration, and we are excited for the future possibilities.”

IFPAS Love Fund was established in 2017 with the goal to enhance the organisation’s philanthropic efforts and create a sustainable platform for giving back to the community. To date, the fund has surpassed its initial target, disbursing a total of $225,000 towards programmes supporting children with special needs, disadvantaged communities, and healthcare initiatives.

Charities supported by the fund included SHINE Children and Youth Services, Dyslexia Association of Singapore, Special Needs Trust Company, the National Kidney Foundation, SPD, Down Syndrome Association (Singapore) as well as Daughters of Tomorrow.

We are very grateful for the support of IFPAS over the past seven years. Through their generosity, many individuals have received subsidised dialysis treatment, children from lower-income families have benefited from literacy programmes, and people with disabilities have received work integration support. IFPAS has truly made a significant impact on the lives of those in need.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to IFPAS on 55 years of remarkable service. We look forward to continuing our partnership and working together to create a more caring and resilient society.

CFS offers personalised advice to help private and corporate donors achieve their philanthropic goals. Discover how you can begin your journey with us here:

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


A Night with the Arts at “Don’t Call Him Mr. Mari Kita

Picture of John Doe
John Doe

In celebration of Singapore’s 59th National Day, the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) had the immense pleasure of hosting our donors and partners at the opening night of Wild Rice’s “Don’t Call Him Mr. Mari Kita.”

Catherine Loh (left), CEO of the Community Foundation of Singapore, speaking in the post-show dialogue with Martin Tan (centre), CEO of the Majurity Trust, and Ivan Heng (right), Founding Artistic Director of Wild Rice.

In celebration of Singapore’s 59th National Day, the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) had the immense pleasure of hosting our donors and partners at the opening night of Wild Rice’s “Don’t Call Him Mr. Mari Kita.” The memorable evening was a collaborative initiative by CFS and The Majurity Trust (TMT), underscoring our shared mission to foster thriving communities in Singapore. Our organisations are no strangers to each other, having come together on the Sayang Sayang Fund during the Covid-19 period to provide support to those affected by the pandemic.

The Power of the Arts and Philanthropy in Fostering Community Spirit

During the post-show fireside chat with CFS CEO Catherine Loh, Martin Tan, CEO of TMT and Ivan Heng, Founding Artistic Director of Wild Rice, the panelists discussed the significance of Zubir Said’s work and the role of the arts in bringing communities together.

Quoting the Malay proverb ‘Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung’ (You should hold up the sky of the land where you live), which reflects the philosophy behind our national anthem, Ivan recounted how Singapore was built by the labour of our forefathers, many of whom left their countries to create a life here. In a similar fashion, he shared, “Majurity Trust and CFS are dedicated to helping people contribute in a meaningful way, making their lives and existence in Singapore more significant. This mission embodies a very special and important philosophy.”

As the only Community Foundation with a Singapore focus, CFS aims to provide wraparound support for our communities, whether it be through education, healthcare, environmental conservation, arts and culture, and community development.

Many of our donors also support arts organisations such as Wild Rice. The arts play a crucial role in building strong and vibrant communities. They bring us together, help us understand different perspectives, and enrich our lives in countless ways. Events like tonight remind us of the power of the arts to inspire and unite us,

“The kind of partnership that the Community Foundation and Majurity Trust are striving for is about recognising that we can’t do this on our own. We are just advocates, a platform for philanthropists and donors to come together. Without patrons, supporters like you, and a wonderful audience, the actors and the art scene can’t thrive. Tonight, our presence on stage with Wild Rice and the Community Foundation is our way of saying thank you,” said Martin Tan, CEO of The Majurity Trust.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our incredible donors. Your generosity is the cornerstone of our mission to make Singapore a better place for all. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to maximise the impact of your contributions, ensuring a brighter future for everyone. Your support for arts groups like Wild Rice makes these enriching experiences possible and helps build a more connected and resilient community.

We extend sincere thanks to everyone for your continued support. Special thanks to Julian Wong, Ivan Heng, Wild Rice, and the exceptional musicians and cast for bringing Mr Zubir Said’s music to life and taking us on a marvellous musical journey. Together, we are making a difference. Your support ensures that the arts continue to thrive, enriching our lives and communities.

Picture of admin bluecube
admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Donor Learning Trip – St Joseph’s Home’s Inspirational Inter-Generation Programme

Picture of John Doe
John Doe

At CFS, we work closely with over 400 well-governed charities to link donors to programmes that achieve meaningful impact. With our deep experience, we understand the importance of improving lives through community initiatives. St Joseph’s Home (SJH) is a good example of this.

At CFS, we work closely with over 400 well-governed charities to link donors to programmes that achieve meaningful impact. With our deep experience, we understand the importance of improving lives through community initiatives. St Joseph’s Home (SJH) is a good example of this.

About St Joseph’s Home (SJH) 

SJH is a not-for-profit organisation set up by the Catholic Welfare Services in 1978 to provide shelter, care and love for the aged and destitute, regardless of race or religion. 

Since then, SJH has innovated to pioneer unique models of care that meet the community’s evolving needs. This includes the hydrotherapy, night respite care for persons with dementia and the co-located Infant and Childcare Centre (ICC).

SJH’s beautiful premise is situated at the heart of the Jurong Innovation District. It has wheelchair-accessible playgrounds, walkways and community spaces such as Café Verona and Funhouse to encourage chance interactions. Spaces are also configurable to accommodate structured programmes that require more privacy and comfort.

An Intergenerational Care Community

In August 2017, SJH pioneered Singapore’s first intergenerational community with an Infant and Childcare Centre (ICC) co-located in a nursing home.

Infants as young as two months old to children up to age six get daily opportunities lasting 45 to 90 minutes to interact with nursing home residents. Children and residents engage in activities such as shared newspaper reading, puzzles, LEGO building, singing and storytelling. 

These interactions form part of the children’s curriculum, where they learn about culture, and pick up motor and literacy skills. They also form part of the resident’s daily care, which is made possible only because of the close collaboration between the ICC and the clinical team of SJH. 

Our donors were recently invited to visit St Joseph’s Home and witnessed their recently-launched intergenerational art therapy programme. Joy was evident on the faces of both residents and children as they waved to one another.

Gladys and Nathan (children on the right) learning about the dragon boat festival with Mdm Quek* (resident on the left)

Intergenerational Programmes as a Therapeutic Intervention 

With all the buzz around intergenerational programmes (IGPs), here’s what sets SJH apart. 

Every programme has a therapeutic outcome and St Joseph’s Home Infant and Childcare Centre teachers work closely with SJH’s clinical team to develop IGPs that:

  1. Resonate with both generations 
  2. Intentionally facilitate conversations and relationship-building 
  3. Have therapeutic outcomes such as improve mood and increased social wellbeing 

Our visit coincided with the fifth of eight sessions conducted by an Occupational Therapy Assistant. Residents and children were collaborating on a calligraphy painting. 

Mdm Tan*, one of the participants who had been hesitant to join social activities, is observed laughing and making eye contact with Estelle, the spritely five-years-old that she’s paired with.

Estelle (left) sharing a conversation with Mdm Tan* (right). She has learned to move closer to Mdm Tan as the resident is hard of hearing.

Another resident, Mdm Wee*, has shown remarkable improvement, eating better and faster on days when she meets the children.

It’s inspiring to hear about Mdm Wee’s progress. She used to take two hours for lunch, often breathless and discouraged, preferring to stay in her bedroom. Now, after just a few sessions, she’s more motivated, energetic, and engaged, even asking about the children. She can now finish her meal in half an hour

The donors of CFS witnessed the energy within the group and comfortable interactions. These took hours to foster, and cannot be justly put in words. 

Developing such results is an art. It calls for a careful integration of the medical and psychosocial needs of the residents, their unique interests and the developmental stage and disposition of the child that they’re paired with. 

Teachers need to be equipped with an understanding of the residents and constantly communicate with the therapist before and throughout the IGP to ensure that the therapeutic outcomes are met.

Intergenerational Programmes as Education

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” – Aristotle

Since its inception in 2017, the teachers at St Joseph’s Home Infant and Childcare Centre have focused on investing in the character of the children. Empathy, kindness, and respect are not just taught but also demonstrated.

Children observe the staff and teachers interacting with residents, learning to respectfully gain the attention of those who may be weak or frail. They also practise handling wheelchairs and being considerate in their movements and volume around residents.

During the IGP, children will progressively pick up the residents’ names, interests, or areas in which they might need help with. For example, children might help residents by repeating instructions closer to their ears or uncapping the tools that require more fine motor skills.  

Intergenerational Programmes as an Innovative Care Model 

As pioneers in integrating the preschool curriculum with elderly-inclusive activities, SJH has learned and experimented along the way, all while remaining committed to their vision of providing person-centred, dignified care.

Their experience has since inspired other organisations. Looking ahead, SJH envisions the intergenerational programme as an integrated part of person-centred, holistic care for elderly residents. They continue to experiment with various programme types and structures, monitoring their impact and collaborating with research partners.

How You Can Help

St Joseph’s seeks $150,000 annually to run the programme, which involves childcare teachers, music, art, and occupational therapists that serve 20 children and 40 to 60 elderly residents. To find out how to become a CFS donor, click here

*Names changed to protect confidentiality.

Picture of admin bluecube
admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Stories Of Impact

Empowering Seniors to Age Well

Picture of John Doe
John Doe

By 2030, one in four Singaporeans will be 65 or older (Population in Brief, 2022), making Singapore a “super-aged” society. This significant demographic shift means that more people will be required to serve as caregivers, and demand  for community services and healthcare support will rise.  As our population ages, more emphasis is being placed on allowing seniors to age comfortably in their own homes and communities.

By 2030, one in four Singaporeans will be 65 or older (Population in Brief, 2022), making Singapore a “super-aged” society. This significant demographic shift means that more people will be required to serve as caregivers, and demand  for community services and healthcare support will rise.  As our population ages, more emphasis is being placed on allowing seniors to age comfortably in their own homes and communities.

At the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), we believe seniors should be able to age with dignity, while pursuing meaningful activities, and having access to personalised care. 

To this end, our donors support a range of programmes and activities designed to support seniors and their caregivers.

Caregiving Welfare Association – Home Personal Care

In 2017, the Caregiving Welfare Association (CWA) introduced its Home Personal Care service which aims to provide long-term support for frail seniors living alone, and elderly couples without children. This is to address the growing need for personalised care among the elderly, particularly those without immediate family support. 

Professional caregivers conduct comprehensive assessments of clients’ needs and assist with daily activities such as showering, housekeeping, and grocery shopping. They also engage clients in mind-stimulating activities, help with medication reminders, manage appointments, and offer respite care for primary caregivers.

One client, Madam Oh (not her real name), says the convenience and familiarity of receiving care at home has significantly reduced her stress and improved her mood.

Thanks to CWA's service, I can live more comfortably, confidently, and joyfully. Beyond the invaluable assistance, it's the warmth of companionship that truly touches my heart.

A caregiver from Caregiving Welfare Association taking care of a client during a home visit

St Joseph’s Home – Dusk to Dawn Night Respite Programme

St Joseph’s Home offers several programmes, including their Dusk to Dawn Night Respite Programme. This allows families caring for an elder with conditions like dementia or sundowning syndrome to have some night respite. Clients can use the service a few nights a week or on an ad-hoc basis. The facility prioritises clients’ well-being by providing a restful environment and keeps them engaged and entertained.

St Joseph’s Home Dusk to Dawn Facility is designed to look like a typical home.

Yong-en Care Centre – Home Care Service

To support seniors with limited mobility and chronic health conditions as they recover at home following a hospital discharge, the nurses and support staff at Yong-en Care Center’s Home Care Service closely monitor patients’ health, administer medications and medical procedures, and provide virtual support to patients and caregivers through tele-consultations. In addition to addressing medical needs, the staff also assist clients in navigating support systems to apply for necessary funding and subsidies, and coordinates with social service professionals from Yong-en or external agencies should follow-up be needed. A beneficiary of the Home Care Service shared the following thoughts: “When people ask about Yong-en, I would always tell them that the staff are great and really have the heart for seniors like me.”

Yong-en Care Centre’s professional nurses ensure that patients get the medical assistance

Thanks to programmes like these, seniors in Singapore can receive quality care, empowering them to age in place with peace of mind. Another community-focused effort launched by CFS in partnership with the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) is the FUN! Fund. The FUN! fund supports initiatives that inject fun for seniors receiving Community Care services, helping them design novel and impactful programmes that boost the well-being of older adults. You can read more about the fund here

To learn more about the causes we support and how to contribute, visit



Population in brief 2022 (2022) The Strategy Group in the Prime Minister’s Office. Available at:

Picture of admin bluecube
admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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