Stories Of Impact
2021 Annabel Pennefather Award winners Cheung Kemei and Jaslyn Hooi: Two talented athletes steadfast in their resolve to win honour and glory for Singapore
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Stories Of Impact

Stories Of Impact

2021 Annabel Pennefather Award winners Cheung Kemei and Jaslyn Hooi: Two talented athletes steadfast in their resolve to win honour and glory for Singapore

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John Doe
a person standing on a boardwalk in front of a glass dome building

As Singapore continues to field excellent sportsmen into the international arena such as Badminton World Federation world champion shuttler Loh Kean Yew and paralympic gold medallist Yip Pin Siu, the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) recognises the need to continue supporting the growth of more sporting talent through philanthropy, so that Singapore may continue to produce many more distinguished sportsmen and women for the years to come.

The Annabel Pennefather Excellence Award is one such enabler that helps young sports women reach greater heights and bring glory to our country.

It is presented annually to two female graduating student-athletes between 16 and 25 years of age, who have displayed remarkable dedication to their sporting craft and achieved outstanding results in sports. 

Funded by the International Women’s Forum Singapore’s Education Grant, which is managed by CFS, the Grant aims to recognise deserving young women with character and the commitment to achieve in their respective fields.

The Award honours the late Annabel Pennefather – a former national hockey player, a pioneer of women sports administrators in Singapore and a champion of women in sports globally – and celebrates her achievements through encouraging and empowering women in the field of sports.

This year, the Award winners of the 2021 Annabel Pennefather Excellence Award are Cheung Kemei and Jaslyn Hooi, two young women who have demonstrated exceptional skill and excellence in their respective sporting fields.

At the tender age of only 16, foilist Cheung Kemei has already acquired a number of accolades under her fencing belt, having had an outstanding year at local national and age-group competitions last year in spite of the swelling pandemic.

“I feel very happy and honoured to receive this award. I’m very grateful and would like to thank the school, coaches and everyone who supported me throughout this journey. This award definitely encourages and motivates me to work harder and achieve better results for Singapore,” says the talented young fencer.

The foilist punched above her weight to win a gold at the Singapore Senior Championships last year in February, and won another gold medal for the U17 Women’s Foil Individual at the Singapore Cadet Nationals.

Though there is a long list of contenders for coveted spots, Kemei has her eyes set on making it to the final list of competitors for the upcoming SEA Games this year.

The other Award winner, 21-year-old shuttler Jaslyn Hooi, first represented Singapore at the Youth Olympic Games in 2018 in Buenos Aires where she finished 4th in the Women’s Singles. Since then, Jaslyn has participated and won a bronze at the 2019 SEA Games, and is set to take on the region’s best at the SEA Games this year.

“2021 proved to be a successful year, especially towards the end of the year, where I competed for six weeks in Europe. I managed to get gold in one of them and improved my world ranking to be top ninety in the world,” reflects Jaslyn with pride.

In September 2021, she claimed the Women’s Singles title at the Polish International, making it the best win in her career thus far. Among one of the top local shuttlers, Jaslyn won the Women’s Singles title at the Singapore National Open Championships consecutively in 2020 and 2021.

“I’m extremely honoured to be receiving this award. It’s nice to know that Sports School is still supporting us on our sporting journey and recognising our hardwork and success. My goal is to be top fifty at the end of 2022, and this award will continue to push me towards that goal,” says the ambitious young shuttler.

She aspires to play well in bigger tournaments this year and to make it to the Top 80. Her ultimate goal is to make it to the 2024 Olympic Games, and is determined to give her best effort to make her dream come true.

If you would like to support more budding sporting talent in Singapore through philanthropy, please read more here.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


More philanthropy funds focusing on climate change needed: Reports

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John Doe
A forest area with a drain

To support green causes and efforts to further climate action, Mr David Heng, chief executive of a private equity fund, set up the Mind the Gap 200 – Sustainable Earth fund in 2019.

It is part of a project Mr Heng, who is in his 50s, undertook with nine friends and the Community Foundation of Singapore.

The fund, which supports charities and programmes that address some of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, is one of the few set up by philanthropists to tackle climate change.

The cause attracts less than 2 per cent of philanthropic giving globally, according to global non-governmental organisation ClimateWorks Foundation.

A recently published 110-page guide by investment bank UBS is looking to change this by showing donors, philanthropists and investors how to fill the climate funding gap, and the benefits and impacts of “green philanthropy”.

The report, called On Thin Ice, comprises insights and tips from more than 40 experts in the areas of sustainability and investment.

The report also emphasises the importance of prioritising climate funding since the dangerous impacts of climate change will cut across other focus areas such as children’s health, mental well-being, inequality and food security.

“While the need to engage directly with climate change is now recognised, many who may have the means to take action are unclear on how to best use these resources to achieve the greatest impact,” said Ms Hannah Wood, one of the authors of the report.

Ms Wood, programme director of UBS Optimus Foundation, added that areas that need funding include the energy transition, agriculture and climate research.

“Investors may wish to consider investing in key sectors such as renewable energy and carbon capture, energy efficiency and smart mobility.”

Shifting to renewable energy and scaling up research are expensive. The International Energy Agency estimates that 70 per cent of clean energy investments over the next decade need to come from private investors, consumers and financiers.

Limiting global warming to 1.5 deg C by 2030 will require an extra US$4 trillion ($5.5 trillion) investment in clean energy projects and infrastructure every year.

Beyond money, philanthropists and investors can also use their influence as shareholders to push for positive environmental change in companies – especially for firms that are economically important but polluting, added Ms Wood.

ClimateWorks Foundation said that between 2019 and 2020, overall philanthropic giving grew by 3 per cent while climate funding grew by 14 per cent.

Mr Heng is the founder and CEO of $405 million impact investment fund ABC World Asia.

Impact investment funds aim to generate positive environmental and social impact while bringing good returns to investors.

For Mind the Gap 200, people can donate to it through the Community Foundation of Singapore, a charity that encourages and helps to enable philanthropy in Singapore by matching donors’ interests with various causes.

Ms Catherine Loh, chief executive of Community Foundation of Singapore, said interest in green philanthropy picked up here when the Singapore Green Plan 2030 – a movement to advance the national agenda for sustainable development – was announced early last year.

From this year to 2024, the foundation will prioritise five issues for grant-making, and one of them is climate and environment.

This covers environmental conservation efforts, research into climate-related phenomena and climate solutions, added Ms Loh.

“The inclusion of this as an area of focus stems from the recognition that a healthy natural environment is conducive to the well-being of a community,” she said.

She cited the Khurana Nurture Foundation, which supports the Institute of Technical Education’s green ambassadors, training them to be the next generation of environmental activists.

The philanthropic organisation also helps people with disabilities pursue a career in urban farming.

Those philanthropy efforts together address climate action, education, social welfare and jobs.

Charitable family foundations The Straits Times contacted declined to be interviewed because they prefer to keep a low profile about their philanthropic work.

Ms Wood said: “There are big returns to be made from environmental philanthropic and sustainable investments, and as the pace of change continues to speed up, the wisest will be out ahead of the curve driving the transition.”

This article was originally published in The Straits Times here. Source: The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

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admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Stories Of Impact

Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre – Letter to a donor

Picture of John Doe
John Doe
picture of four people holding an award

Dear Donor,

Thank you for your support of Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre.

We recently attended a graduation ceremony there and would like to share with you how it went.

A was accepted into Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre in December 2014. She had severe anger management issues, emotional outbursts and made various attempts to run away from the home. Six months after entering Dayspring, she was so touched by the concern shown by the carers, counsellors and residents there that she decided to turn her life around and ‘graduate’ from the programme. A achieved her target in two years and will soon be leaving Dayspring to begin a new chapter in her life.

As it was her ‘graduation party’, she got to decide who to invite to celebrate her success. Those present included her mother, friends, social workers, volunteers and many others who played a significant role in her life during her turnaround period.

It was not easy for A to share her experiences in front of so many people, but she did so bravely – acknowledging everyone who helped make her the person she is today. Through the process, A had reconciled with her mother and was even able to thank her publicly for her unwavering love and support. This was a quite an achievement considering that A used to have a volatile relationship with her mother.

The guests took turns to offer A words of affirmation and encouragement for the positive changes they saw in her. She was presented with a certificate and a unique butterfly necklace which symbolised her growth and transformation. The staff and residents also produced a video documenting her journey in Dayspring.

With the help of Dayspring, A is currently training under a pastry chef at the Fullerton Hotel. We were all privileged to taste the delicious Nutella cake personally baked by A. Looking ahead, A will be working hard towards achieving her dream of becoming a chef, and owning restaurants, bars and cafés around the world.

The graduation ceremony provided us with a glimpse of the extensive work that Dayspring undertakes in rehabilitating teenage girls like A and giving them the last mile opportunity to turn their lives around. It gave us a chance to appreciate the work of the centre and get to know the girls a little better. It was an afternoon well spent and we certainly missed you at the event.

I am sharing this to show the impact your donation has made on A and many others like her. Thank you for making a difference in their lives.

Best regards,

Belinda Lee
Principal Consultant, Philanthropy & Grants
Community Foundation of Singapore

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admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Creating social impact through philanthropy

Picture of John Doe
John Doe
scenery of gardens by the bay

Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has likely changed your life on a daily basis. Though the pandemic has affected everyone, it hasn’t done so equally – the situations of the most vulnerable groups have been severely aggravated and awareness of our society’s fault lines and underserved needs have been heightened. But, if this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the tremendous power of common people working together to achieve a unified goal.  

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admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Stories Of Impact

Spreading the Holiday Cheer: CFS Contribute Year-End Meal to Melrose Home Residents & Staff

Picture of John Doe
John Doe
a person standing on a boardwalk in front of a glass dome building

As the year 2023 drew to a close and office parties were being planned, the staff at CFS decided to redirect their staff celebration budget from traditional year-end parties and gift exchanges. Instead, they chose to sponsor a special New Year’s Eve dinner for the children and youth of Melrose Home, and contributed by purchasing grocery vouchers, hoping to bring joy and warmth to them during the holiday season.

At CFS’s monthly Town Hall, representatives from Children’s Aid Society Ms Serlina Huang, Manager of Community Partnerships and Ms May Su Paing, Communications Executive from Children’s Aid Society, visited along with their colleagues from Melrose Home, Ms Michelle Chen, and Mr Timothy Pang. Together they offered the CFS team valuable insights into the home’s operations and needs, enhancing their understanding of how donor contributions can benefit the beneficiaries. Ms Tricia Lee, Director of Communications & Marketing at CFS then presented grocery vouchers that the CFS staff had contributed, to support the purchase of essential items for the residents of Melrose Home. 

Mr Alvin Goh, Executive Director of Children’s Aid Society shares, ‘We are grateful for this heartwarming gesture from the Community Foundation of Singapore and thank the CFS team for spreading the holiday cheer to our residents. It is heartwarming to see the community coming together to help improve the lives of those in challenging situations.’

Melrose Home, a service under the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), is a residential home for children and youths aged 6 to 21. Their residents have experienced challenging family circumstances or child protection issues that led to them being removed from their family homes. 

The organisation has been a CFS grantee since 2022, and our donors have generously contributed to supporting Melrose Home in its mission. CAS is currently appealing for donations to help transform its premises at Clementi Road into “Melrose Village”, which will enable residents to have more living space, and offer purpose-built facilities, advanced counselling and psychological services. To find out how you can contribute, visit 


Picture of admin bluecube
admin bluecube

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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