May 2018

Ms Trina Liang-Lin on a couch posing for a photo

The Straits Times – Fund marks 20 years of marriage for couple

About six months before Ms Trina Liang-Lin’s 20th wedding anniversary on June 2016, she mulled over how to make the occasion meaningful.“My husband and I did not want just another party,” said Ms Liang-Lin, 47, managing director of investment research consulting firm Templebridge Investments. Read Next She is married to Mr Ed Lin, 49, partner and director of the Singapore office of Bain & Company, a global management consultancy.The couple have no c
Photo of many levels of HDB corridors

The Straits Times – More wealthy donors setting up private charity funds

More wealthy people are setting up private charity funds through which they can give away their riches, according to a foundation that helps such individuals set up the funds.The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) said it has seen the number of individual donors rise from seven in 2008 to 97 this year. Each of the funds must have at least $200,000. Read Next The benefactors are getting younger, too. There was just one under the age of 50 in 2008 when the
Mr Govind Bommi posing infront of the camera advocating for giving back to the community with elderly people in the back

The Straits Times – PR gives back by boosting senior welfare

After 20 years in this country, which he now calls home and where he was able to start and grow a successful business in water filtration, Mr Govind Bommi thought it was time to give back.He called his lawyer in 2015, and said he wanted to start his own charity fund. Read Next “My lawyer asked me whether I was ready to put in the time and resources to run my own trust fund,” said the 71-year-old permanent resident originally from Bangalore, India. “He a
Graphic of "The Art of Giving – 4 Questions with Ms Catherine Loh"

The Art of Giving – 4 Questions with Ms Catherine Loh

CEO Catherine Loh was featured in the National Arts Council’s latest issue of The Art of Giving offering her insights on encouraging giving to the arts. Read Next Speaking after the association’s annual general meeting at Kallang Netball Centre on Friday, Liang-Lin, a fund manager for a US$7 billion (S$9.5 billion) firm focused on green real estate investments in Asia, hopes to bring her expertise to the table and increase the amount of financial support
a group of people standing next to a horse

Apex Harmony Lodge – Empowering dementia patients to live well

Is dementia an inevitable part of ageing? Can nothing can be done to change its course?Dementia patients are oft-times negatively perceived as ‘senile’ or ‘confused’, with little measures taken to empower patients to maintain an active mind. If their symptoms are ‘generalised’, this may lead to care that negates the patient’s individualised needs. Read Next As Singapore’s first purpose-built lodge for dementia patients, Apex Harmony Lodge (A
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